Academic Outreach And Training

Academic Outreach

As part of Bakinaw’s mission to increase STEM education and employment for Native Americans, and other minorities, we continuously look for opportunities to work with Tribal colleges and other Minority Serving Institutions. Our objective is to assist these institutions in building relationships with other universities that can provide staff mentoring; academic and research program support; and improved student credit alignment to make it easier for MSI students to receive full acceptance of their undergraduate course credits when transferring to complete their undergraduate and/or graduate degrees.

Our staff are experienced in working with Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and Hispanic Serving Universities (HSIs) and majority white serving colleges and universities. We have worked to build ties between faculty to build teams for bidding on National Science Foundation (NSF) solicitations and between administrators to align academic programs to improve student admission among institutions.


Job training is a key focus of Bakinaw’s work to improve opportunities for Native Americans, and other minorities, to work in STEM and advanced manufacturing industries. To be competitive for jobs in these industries, as well as to see themselves effective in them, it is essential for workers build the skills and expertise necessary for their success. To aid minorities achieve the requisite skills, Bakinaw teams with other companies and institutions to build job training programs into both federally and privately funded advanced manufacturing and R&D programs. Some of the current programs being developed include advanced composite manufacturing for Department of Energy manufacturing centers, the commercial automotive industry, and Department of Defense. Organizations interested in working with Bakinaw on these, and other efforts, should reach out to Mr. Martin Toomajian who’s contact information is provided on our “Contact Us” page on this website.